“Christian families practicing family worship will also find that it centers their home upon Christ.”
This quote comes from Jason Helopoulos in his great article on “Family Worship and Its Benefits.”
I encourage you to check out his blog post over at Reformation21. He writes from a sincere heart and a sound mind on the benefits of family worship in his own home and what we will benefit too as we share in this spiritual opportunity.
After you have read his post on family worship you may be interested in going deeper and getting his excellent book, A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home.
Jason gives some pointers on how to begin. Be sure to check this out if you have never done family worship or if you have stopped for awhile.
Do you remember how you first started with family worship? I would love for you to share.
What prompted you to begin family worship? Any one idea or ideas?
If you are not practicing family worship, what is holding you back?
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